On 12/20/06, Brodie Thiesfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
+static HANDLE loadLibraryUtf8(const char *z){
+  DWORD dwLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8,0,z,-1,zWide,MAX_PATH);
+  if (dwLen == 0 || dwLen > MAX_PATH) return NULL;
+  return LoadLibraryW(zWide);

I can't test the patch right now, but it's better to use the sqlite
internal UTF-8 to "WideChar" function to MultiByteToWideChar, because
older WinCE versions didn't support CP_UTF8 as parameter (although I
think it was up to the WinCE platform builders to have more "character
encodings" built-in).

~Nuno Lucas

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