Brodie Thiesfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As far as I understand, sqlite changed sometime in the early 3.0 
> versions such that char* strings (input and output) are always assumed 
> to be UTF-8.
> Yes. But this is a separate problem. Look at the code in os_win.c, e.g. 
> sqlite3WinFileExists. On Windows NT platforms, it will work fine only if 
> the caller supplies a ASCII or UTF-8 string (CP_ACP encoded strings will 
> fail). On Windows 9x platforms it will work fine only if the caller 
> supplies an ASCII or CP_ACP string (UTF-8 encoded strings will fail).
> Probably most users on Win9x are still passing in ANSI strings which is 
> why it is working. Change it to actually match the documentation and you 
> will probably see a few more failures.

The intent of SQLite is that *all* input strings should be
either UTF-8 or UTF-16.  Usually strings should be UTF-8.
Functions that accept UTF-16 are clearly labeled with a "16" 
at the end of their name.

SQLite should never expect strings in any encoding other
than UTF-8 or UTF-16.  (Note that ASCII is a proper subset 
of UTF-8 so SQLite will also accept ASCII.)  I do not know
what CP_ACP is, but if it is not a subset of UTF-8 then
SQLite should (if implemented as designed) malfunction if
you give it a CP_ACP string that has a different representation
than the equivalent UTF-8.

If you find a case where SQLite is expecting some character
encoding other than UTF-8 or UTF-16, then you have found a bug.
Please create a ticket and suggest an appropriate patch.

Note that there only two real platforms in the world: win32
and unix.  In the unix world everything is UTF-8 and so it
gives no problems in this area.  Character encoding confusion
seems to be confined to the win32 world.  I do not use win32.
And I have no desire to learn to use it.  So I am depending 
on the win32 user community to find and fix problems with 
win32 character encodings.

My intent is to let yall continue to debate a proper fix
for porting the extension loading mechanism to wince and
then once you reach consensus I will check in whatever that
consensus happens to be.

Thank you for your assistance.

D. Richard Hipp  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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