Can confirm now that mine didn't work and yours does.
Nice work!


-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Cote [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 22 December 2006 19:17
Subject: Re: [sqlite] calculate age

RB Smissaert wrote:
> I think I got it now:
> select
> (date('now') - '2002-12-22') -
>       ((julianday('now', '-' ||
>       (date('now') - '2002-12-22') ||
>       'year') <
>               julianday('2002-12-22')))
> seems to  work.
This is either clever or foolhardy depending upon how you look at it.

It works only because sqlite stops at the first illegal character (the 
-) when converting a string to an integer as it tries to subtract the 
two date stings.

(date('now') - '2002-12-22')


'2006-12-22' - '2002-12-22'

which is converted to

2006 - 2002

without any warning or error and produces the correct result 4

Other than that it uses the reverse logic of my case statement. Get the 
difference of the years and subtract 1 or 0 depending upon the actual date.

Dennis Cote

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