Bernhard Schmidt wrote:
Amos Jeffries <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Fix memory leak in Linux builds.

This one seems to break outgoing IPv4 connects (on a dualstacked Squid)

bzr trunk revision 8902 fails with
| While trying to retrieve the URL:
| | The following error was encountered: | | * Write Error | | The system returned: | | (32) Broken pipe | | An error condition occurred while writing to the network. Please
| retry your request.

to all IPv4 hosts. IPv6 hosts work fine. Reverting this changeset with

$ bzr merge . --revision 8901..8900

fixes the issue.

/configure --prefix=/opt/squid3-ipv6 --enable-ipv6 --disable-carp
--disable-wccp --disable-wccpv2 --enable-epoll --disable-ident-lookups
--with-localhost-ipv6 --enable-async-io --enable-storeio=aufs

on Linux Debian unstable.


Oh drat. I mis-configured my new test setup. Sorry.
Revision 8903 has had a more careful set of tests done and fixes that problem.

Please use Squid 2.6STABLE17+ or 3.0STABLE1+
There are serious security advisories out on all earlier releases.

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