On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 19:50, Schelstraete Bart wrote:
> Hello,
> What about performance? If Squids needs to compress every file, then 
> will decrease the performance a lot....and it will ask a lot of CPU.
> If you're using one Squid proxy it will save diskspace, but that's it.
> But if you have multiple Squids running, and those Squid can communicate 
> to each other with compressed files it will save a lot  bandwith, and 
> the speed between those 2 servers will increase......but like I said, 
> you need more powerfull machines.

It's a balancing act:
If you have more CPU than network resources, compress more files.
If you have more network resources than CPU, don't compress.

The TE project goals include allowing squid.conf to set policy, so that
squid can do the 'right thing' for different sites.


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