On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 22:36, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> mån 2003-07-21 klockan 12.39 skrev Robert Collins:
> > The TE project goals include allowing squid.conf to set policy, so that
> > squid can do the 'right thing' for different sites.
> And lets not forget TE is required to allow Squid to become HTTP/1.1,
> even if no compression is supported at all. (chunked encoding
> requirement).

Yep, very unlikely to forget that :}. (For the list:
HTTP/1.1 requires all implementors to implement a specific TE coding
called 'chunked'. This allows persistent connections to handle dynamic
data of unknown length, and also allows HTTP Headers -after- the message
(called Trailers). These can be used for things like message signing...)

TE chunked coding suffers from the same problems compression did in 2.x,
and it'll be the first thing implemented when the TE project gets a
sponsor, or I get back to it on a volunteer basis..


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