mån 2006-12-18 klockan 23:41 -0500 skrev Brian J. Murrell:

> Indeed.  And it can be done, I think, by adding native KRB5 support to
> ntlm_auth (right now ntlm_auth assumes everything will be wrapped in
> SPNEGO), but it would be less hacking there if Firefox could be
> convinced to use SPNEGO on non-windows platform, even when all it has
> are KRB5 (or any other non MS specific) credentials.

The Negotiate scheme is SPNEGO by definition.

Native KRB5 is the Kerberos scheme..

But adding a native Kerberos interface to ntlm_auth would make sense as
well, much like it has a native NTLM interface. Skipping SPNEGO.

But we do not yet have support for the Kerberos scheme in Squid. But
it's just to make a copy of Negotiate and rename it to Kerberos..


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