lör 2008-07-05 klockan 17:51 -0300 skrev Michel:

> and get yourself a pricelist, the diff between X2 and phenom is irrelevant and
> whatever, hardware is cheap

True, but the wattage difference is not irrelevant. For the lifetime of
the server that adds up quite significantly in power and cooling.

Also if you want the highest clock rates (which is what Squid benefits
most from) then you won't find these quad core yet for the same

The fastes Phenom X4 you can get is the Phenom X4 9950, where each core
runs at 2.6GHz. The fastest Athlon X2 you can get is the Athlon X2 6400+
where each core runs at 3.2GHz.

The fastest quad core Opteron you can get is the Opteron 2360 SE at
2.5GHz. The fastest dual core Opteron is the Opteron 2224 SE at 3.2GHz.


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