Hi Thorsten,

Am 22.11.22 um 21:22 schrieb Thorsten Behrens:
It is indeed unusual to discuss individual donations (in kind and
monetary) of any specific donor, even more so in public.
So, detached from an individual case, there might be different views on the meaning of 'donation/donor'?

For those who like wikipedia:

Per se donations are given without return consideration. In theory.

In German language 'donation/donor/donate' translate to 'Spende/Spender/spenden'. It is quite similar to the English 'spend'. Both derive from the common linguistic root. At some point in the Anglo-Saxon environment 'spend' got more and more the meaning in the spirit of 'spend money', 'cost'.

German language kept the meaning of 'generous', 'unconditional', 'voluntary', 'charitable', 'non-profit', etc. and 'without return consideration'.

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Stephan Ficht, Member of the Board of Trustees
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