Saturday, June 2, 2001
Rumsfeld is right

Regarding the repeated hints from Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
that the U.S. role in Bosnia may be over:   The Dick   Cheney-Rumsfeld axis
has no use for the Balkans and feels that the United
States did not have any   real "job" in Bosnia to start with - so it's "done,"
whatever it may have been.
On the other hand, Secretary of State Colin Powell, who
soon may be the   weakest secretary of state since William Rogers 30
years ago, uses   multilateralism (including reiteration to NATO foreign
ministers in Budapest   that "we went in together, we'll get out together") to
assert his claim to   influence . . . Powell also appears to be far more
insistent on Serbia's   compliance with the Hague Tribunal [international
court] than others. (Ditto his   traveling to Africa and telling them how important it
is to the United States,   which must have given Cheney/Rumsfeld a good laugh.)
"Bosnia" is a failed   experiment that will unravel as soon as the assorted
nations involved close   shop. However much I disagree with Rumsfeld on other
fronts (missile   defense, NATO expansion, etc.), on this one he is

Srdja Trifkovic is a foreign policy expert with The   Rockford Institute

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