Milosevic Phones Family From the Hague

The Associated Press
Friday, June 29, 2001; 12:14 p.m. EDT

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia –– Slobodan Milosevic phoned his family from The Hague prison on Friday to tell them he was "fine and healthy," the former president's lawyer said.

"In the phone call from jail, he said he was kidnapped" when taken from Belgrade's Central Prison Thursday and delivered for trial at the Netherlands-based U.N. war crimes court, said Branimir Gugl, the lawyer.

"He is denying any guilt," Gugl said of charges filed against him by the tribunal. "He has a clear conscience and says he had worked in the interest of the Serbian people."

Gugl said Milosevic appointed the same 10-member lawyers' team, which had prepared his defense on local corruption charges in Yugoslavia, to defend him in The Hague.

In the phone call, Milosevic said the war crimes trial will be "political" and that his extradition was "unconstitutional and illegal."

© Copyright 2001 The Associated Press

Miroslav Antic,

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