Pravda.RU:Main:More in detail
15:00 2001-06-29

Borislav Milosevic, Slobodan’s brother, who was ambassador to Moscow in 1998-2000, has presented his comments on what has just happened in Yugoslavia to the Russian RTR television network. In particular, he said the following.
“It’s merely a kidnapping perpetrated under the pressure from outside. The blackmail has succeeded in full. It is a unique case in the international juridical practice, an unprecedented act of violence, transgressing all legal and normal norms… I am sure the majority of our people will never take it, because this act has humiliated the dignity of the Serbs. This means the final loss of sovereignty by us. The leaders who take such decisions have no historical prospects, and the descendants will not forgive them. As for the Hague Tribunal, it is not a tribunal, it is a farce, an integral part of the aggression against Yugoslavia… Kostunica only speaks that it is all due to the situation unfolded in the Democratic Opposition of Serbia ruling coalition, where he and his supporters have become a minority. But tell me, is it true that the President has no other levers of influence available? Does he not have his say? His latest speeches sound like those of Pontius Pilatus – he has just “washed his hands.”

prepared by

15:00 2001-06-29

Borislav Milosevic, Slobodan’s brother, who was ambassador to Moscow in 1998-2000, has presented his comments on what has just happened in Yugoslavia to the Russian RTR television network. In particular, he said the following.

“It’s merely a kidnapping perpetrated under the pressure from outside. The blackmail has succeeded in full. It is a unique case in the international juridical practice, an unprecedented act of violence, transgressing all legal and normal norms… I am sure the majority of our people will never take it, because this act has humiliated the dignity of the Serbs. This means the final loss of sovereignty by us. The leaders who take such decisions have no historical prospects, and the descendants will not forgive them. As for the Hague Tribunal, it is not a tribunal, it is a farce, an integral part of the aggression against Yugoslavia… Kostunica only speaks that it is all due to the situation unfolded in the Democratic Opposition of Serbia ruling coalition, where he and his supporters have become a minority. But tell me, is it true that the President has no other levers of influence available? Does he not have his say? His latest speeches sound like those of Pontius Pilatus – he has just “washed his hands.”

prepared by

Miroslav Antic,

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