Sasvim slucajno ukljucih televizor veceras (11.6) u 20 sati, Prvi program
RTS. Neverovah svojim ocima (buduci da emisija nije najavljena). Emisija BBC
o Srebrenici...Brutalnost i jednostranost jos nevidjena na TV. Nijedan Srbin
koji je imao snage da to vidi sigurno nije imao mirnu noc...Sok bez najave,
bez objasnjenja, bez komentara od strane RTS o jednostranosti i
zlonamernosti emisije!!

Jutros (12.6) u Skupstini Srbije, mimo dnevnog reda, poslanici SRS pokrenuli
su pitanje odgovornosti za sinocni zlocin RTS-a. Dosovskim poslanicima, koji
su manje-vise branili postupak RTS-a, je u brk receno da su najgori,
najodvratniji izdajnici srpskog naroda od kada on postji. Pretila je
opasnost do dodje do fizickog obracuna. U Skupstini haos...

A sada da se vratimo postupku RTS-a. BBC-ova emisija je jednostrana,
zlonamerna, ogavna, odvratna, rasisticka. Ni jedne jedine reci o tome da
samo par kilometara od Srebrenice, u selu Kravice kod Bratunca, Srbi vrse
pripreme za polaganje kamena-temeljca za centralno spomen-obelezje u znak
secanja na 3.500 srpskih civila koje su u bircansko-podrinjskom regionu
pobili muslimani. A te zrtve su PRETHODILE onom sto se dogodilo u Srebrenici
11.jula 1995. kada su srpske snage oslobodile Srebrenicu. To ne interesuje
ni BBC ni izdajnicku dosovsku RTS.

Inace, komemorativnom skupu u Potocarima prisustvovalo je oko 3.500
muslimana na celu sa poglavarom islamske verske zajednice reis-ul-ulemom
Mustafom Cericem. Skup je obezbedjivalo 1.300 policajaca Republike Srpske i
protekao je bez incidenata. Polozen je kamen-temeljac za buduci memorijalni
centar. I, naravno, bio je prisutan i "krem" "medjunarodne zajednice" - na
celu sa ambasadorom Imperije Zla Tomasom Milerom Volfgangom Petricem,
gaulajterom BiH. Nedostajali su samo Dzordz Bus Stariji, Voren Zimerman i
Lorens Iglberger pa da drustvo koje je isplaniralo, osmislilo i izvelo
bosanski pakao bude kompletno! A na parastosu srpskim zrtvama u Kravicama
nije bilo nikoga od predstavnika "medjunarodne zajednice"! Srpske se zrtve
ne racunaju...

-----Original Message-----
From: Jankovic, Tika [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 5:08 AM
Subject: RE: [sorabia] Fw: 3,500 Srebrenica survivors commemorate
massacre anniversary

This sham with the Srebrenica "monument" has been masterminded
and supported by the US Embassy in Sarajevo, and its Super-Satan
Ambassador Thomas Miller, of course, at the orders from the
Washington snake nest.

Potocari is a Serbian village the Clinton's Muslims from Srebrenica
burned down a couple of times in 1992/93, and slaughtered there every Serb
they could get hold of. The attacks on the village always occurred at
the dawn. I have once interviewed two young villagers from Potocari in 1997,
who survived the knives of the Naser Oric and his band. These butchers
used to raid Potocari, and surronding villages, in TANKS and PERSONNEL
CARRIERS! That is how these "defenseless Muslims in Srebrenica" suffered
from the armed, vicious Serbs. It is not strange, then, that those 8,000
"Muslim bodies", "burried under and around" this "monument", ended up
casting their ballots in presidential elections of September 1996!

Unfortunately, the government of Serb Republic is a faithful dog of the
US, and performes all dirty errands for the master, including running
the anti-Serb propaganda, hunting Serb war "criminals", evicting the
widows of the fallen Serb soldiers from their homes, tossing them and
their children out in the street, etc.

I have been supporting 85 Serbian war orphans from the war in Bosnia since
1993 ( I have a few from the Kosmet war, too), and have been updated by them
and their mothers by letters on the ongoing persecution of the defenseless
Serbs in Serb Republic for all this time. Besides, I have been making two
to the Republic every year since 1993 and have acquired a lot of contacts
who I am tapping for the first hand information from the spot.

Both Biljana Plavsic and her successor Dodik have carried out the terror
our people from day one in power, until they were removed from the thrones
their merciless US bosses, when their missions were over.

Tika Jankovic
> -----Original Message-----
> From: angelina markovic [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 9:22 AM
> Subject:      [sorabia] Fw: 3,500 Srebrenica survivors commemorate
> massacre anniversary
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Mirjana Petrovic <Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 4:18 PM
> Subject: [sn-vesti 6135] 3,500 Srebrenica survivors commemorate massacre
> anniversary
> Wednesday, July 11 8:13 PM SGT
> 3,500 Srebrenica survivors commemorate massacre anniversary
> POTOCARI, Bosnia-Hercegovina, July 11 (AFP) -
> Some 3,500 Muslims from all over Bosnia arrived Wednesday in Potocari,
> just
> north of Srebrenica,
> to witness ceremonies marking the sixth anniversary of Europe's worst
> massacre since World War
> II.
> Hundreds of Muslim survivors of the massacre, carried out by Bosnian Serb
> forces, were brought
> to the site in 80 buses from the town of Kladanj.
> Their journey passed without incident. Passengers were searched by members
> of the NATO-led
> Stabilisation force (SFOR) before they boarded the buses and a
> representative of the
> Muslim-Croat Federation police travelled with them on each vehicle.
> Authorities had put in place a massive security operation to prevent any
> inter-ethnic violence.
> Some 1,300 Bosnian Serb police, including anti-riot units have been
> deployed.
> The highlight of Wednesday's commemoration was the uncovering of a marker
> stone for the memorial
> and cemetery in Srebrenica for between 7,000 and 8,000 Bosnian Muslims
> killed by Serb forces who
> overran the UN-proclaimed safe zone.
> The three-ton marble stone with the inscription "Srebrenica, July 11,
> 1995"
> was being unveiled
> by five women from the town whose children and other relatives were killed
> in the massacre.
> There will be no political speeches, only prayers attended by
> representatives of the
> international community from Sarajevo.
> Representatives of the Bosnian Serb leadership were attending the
> commemoration.
> In a statement the Republika Srpska's parliament said it wished to show
> "respect to victims of
> the four-year-long tragic conflict in Bosnia.... All those who lost their
> dearest ones,
> unfortunately, are equal in sorrow and pain."
> Taji Belimustafic, one of the Muslim survivors who lost his brother in the
> massacre, said "I
> feel sadness today. I think it's very significant for us that this
> monument
> is to be built."
> Another survivor Jamzia Omerovic said she was convinced that one day she
> would be able to return
> to Bratunac, 20 kilometres (12 miles) northwest of Srebrenica, which she
> had
> been forced to
> flee.
> Sacir Ferhatbegovic, however, questioned whether this would be possible
> "since the executioners
> are still at liberty."
> Sarajevo's Oslobodjenje daily published Wednesday an obituary, signed by
> an
> association of
> Srebrenica women.
> Under a photo of body bags containing the remains of Srebrenica victims
> excavated from mass
> graves, it read:
> "It was in the Republic of Bosnia-Hercegovina, in the hilly Balkans that
> in
> one day 10,000 of
> our best people were killed by Serb criminals ...
> ".. we swore to God that your death would not be for nothing."
> Six years on, graves around Srebrenica daily yield the remains of bodies
> believed to be those of
> civilians slaughtered by Serbian forces.
> Srebrenica is now located in the Serb-run Bosnian entity of Republika
> Srpska
> (RS) while its
> pre-war inhabitants currently live in the other Bosnian entity, the
> Muslim-Croat Federation.
> Bosnian Serb authorities ordered roads around Srebrenica sealed off from
> 8:00 am (0600 GMT)
> until 4:OO pm (1400 GMT), and all bars closed in Bratunac.
> UN spokesman in Sarajevo Douglas Coffman said that the massive security
> operation had been put
> in place to ensure there was no repeat of violent incidents that occurred
> in
> May in Banja Luka
> and Trebinje.
> On May 5, a group of angry Serbs attacked Muslims who came to mark the
> rebuilding of a mosque in
> Trebinje.
> Two days later, some 4,000 Serb protesters attacked Muslims and
> international officials at a
> ceremony marking the rebuilding of a mosque destroyed in 1993 in Banja
> Luka.
> The incident left a
> Bosnian Muslim dead and around 30 other people injured.
> Wednesday's commemoration comes soon after the transfer to The Hague of
> former Yugoslav
> president Slobodan Milosevic, accused of war crimes and crimes against
> humanity and seen by many
> as being largely responsible for the crimes committed during the war in
> Bosnia.
> It also coincides with renewed pressure on the RS authorities to arrest
> the
> former political and
> military leaders of the Bosnian Serbs, Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic,
> both considered
> directly responsible for the massacre.
> ise-zz-sar/ml


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