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The 11th September…a calm day. Just another day. Suddenly, and with a shocking coldness, death descended from the sky. The building shook as the aircraft slammed into it, callously sowing death and panic and injury. But this was not New York. It was the Presidential Palace in Santiago del Chile. The year, 1973. The venue: the CIA-backed coup d’etat of Pinochet against Allende.

Terrorism has two exponents – idealists and operationals. The idealists need the operationals to perform the practicalities of the act, and these, too cold-blooded to idealize beyond their own damaged psyche, need a cause to unconsciously justify their cruelty.

No amount of idealism can justify the attacks of 11th September, whether in the USA or in Chile, which can only be condoned by sick-minded or mindless fanatics. However, examining the ideals behind the exponents can lead to a deeper understanding of the cause.

The CIA-backed military coup against the democratically elected socialist regime of Salvador Allende on September 11th, 1973, installed the bloodthirsty dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet in Chile. Pinochet is accused of over 3,000 killings.

This was only one of a myriad of intrusive acts by the CIA throughout Central and South America in the last three decades, not to mention the rest of the world. First Cuba, then Guatemala, El Salvador, Grenada, Colombia, Peru, Chile...these being the cases that reached the pages of the international press.

The sheer geo-political size and economic dimension of the United States of America naturally set the country up as a major player on the world scene, just as the largest boy on the playground is constantly sought to protect, or attack, others. That the USA should feel the need to flex its muscles is a natural consequence of its momentum.

That a country barely 200 years old should have that power is an aberration. The indigenous population of America being a non-starter in the power stakes of the new regime imposed by the European immigrants, the USA as a Nation has a collective psyche drawn from a pool of two hundred years of expatriates.

This is not to make a comparison with giving a five-year-old an automatic rifle in the kindergarten, but the suspicion arises whether or not those who make decisions have the geo-strategic maturity to measure the implications of their constant mistakes as they go globe-trotting, sowing the seeds of the "Great Civilization."

The regimes that the USA/CIA (not necessarily the same thing) had supported in less-developed countries have been controlled by a limited clique of the corrupt elite who needed a partner from abroad to support their regimes that had lost any popular support through political and social mismanagement.

South America, the USA’s own back yard, is but one example of the result of this immaturity. Mobutu Sese Seko (Zaire), Savimbi (UNITA), the IRA, the Taliban, Saddam Hussein, the Albanian KLA, the Indonesian dictator Suharto, all have been supported or created, knowingly or not, giving more benefit than doubt, by an external policy which transgresses the reality of pure diplomacy.

This week, the neutron bomb of international diplomacy was dropped:

We cannot put all civilizations on the same plane. We must be conscious of our supremacy, of the superiority of Western civilization." This exposition of hideous arrogance was not by the CIA or the USA. It was Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian prime minister. It is, too, a symptom of a lack of maturity, this time of an individual and not a state, which, elevated to a position it has no right to occupy, provokes reactions. In the laws of physics, every action provokes a reaction. Quod erat demonstrandum.

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