> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 10:24 PM
> Subject: Re: Subclass Struts tags to work with JSTL?
> >>>>> "Craig" == Craig R McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Craig> On 16 Jul 2002, David M. Karr wrote:
>     >> I don't know how much thought has yet gone into how 
> Struts and JSTL can work
>     >> together.  I haven't noticed much serious talk about 
> this.  If these thoughts
>     >> are obvious or ignorant, I apologize.
>     Craig> There hasn't been much talk about this on the 
> lists.  Part of that is me
>     Craig> trying to avoid succumbing to the "pay attention 
> to the cool new stuff"
>     Craig> instead of getting 1.1 out the door :-).
> I definitely agree that people working on getting 1.1 out the 
> door shouldn't
> spend any time on this.  That's why it's good for me to look 
> at this, as I'm
> not one of those people.
>     >> It occurred to me that a straightforward interim 
> solution would be to provide
>     >> tag libraries named "bean-el", "html-el", etcetera.  
> The actual tag classes
>     >> would just be subclasses of the Struts tags.  The way 
> that the actual JSTL tag
>     >> classes are implemented makes this very easy to do.
>     Craig> That would certainly be one way to do it.  The 
> other alternative I was
>     Craig> thinking of was to add a "var" attribute to each 
> existing tag that
>     Craig> supported the "name/property/scope" tuple, and 
> allow you to use either/or
>     Craig> with the same tag.  Of course, that doesn't really 
> cover cases like your
>     Craig> example of the message tag, where you might want 
> to use EL expressions on
>     Craig> more than one of the attributes.
> I believe I remember you mentioning the "var" idea once, on 
> this same subject.
> Although I think the name isn't quite right (the value can be 
> an expression,
> not just a variable), I think this is also the correct 
> approach for the
> "name/property/scope" tuple.  In fact, these two strategies 
> don't conflict.
> For properties which could map one-to-one to an EL value, 
> what I did here would
> be fine.  For things which are represented by the "n/p/s" 
> tuple, we would add
> an attribute which would only be used when "n/p/s" is not 
> used (perhaps checked
> in a TLV class), which would be an EL attribute.
> So, in the case of the derived "message" tag, instead of 
> allowing EL values for
> "name", "property", and "scope" (which would probably be 
> silly), we could have
> an (throwing out a name here) "expr" attribute to take the EL value.

Back around the time that Craig suggested the "var" attribute, I expressed a
preference for using parallel RT and EL taglibs:


As a recap, the reasons I prefer this approach are:

a) We can make any attribute that can accept an RT expr today accept an EL
expr. This will give us more flexible EL-enabled tags while not confusing
the user with a mixture of RT attributes and EL attributes on a single tag.
Of course, where the RT tags have n/p/s today, the EL tags would have a
"var" attribute instead.

b) It matches the approach taken by JSTL itself, with parallel RT and EL

By the way, a good reason to use the name "var" for the n/p/s attribute is
because that is what JSTL uses for the equivalent functionality. Consistency
is good! ;-)

Martin Cooper

>     >> In fact, I spent about an hour this afternoon 
> implementing and verifying a
>     >> proof of concept (mostly spent updating my 
> environment), adding a
>     >> "bean:el-message" tag to my local CVS of Struts.  For 
> a P.O.C., it was easier
>     >> to add the tag to the existing tag library, but for a 
> real implementation, I
>     >> would want a separate tag library.  The code for the 
> tag is very
>     >> straightforward.  My test derived from "MessageTag", 
> but it could just as
>     >> easily (I believe) derive from "NestedMessageTag".
>     Craig> I think this would be a cool "contrib" thing, if 
> you wanted to work
>     Craig> the tags out and host it here.  That's how the 
> "nested" tags started,
>     Craig> IIRC.
> I will work this further and see how far I get.
> -- 
> ===================================================================
> David M. Karr          ; Java/J2EE/XML/Unix/C++
> --
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