Hello Jim,

Sunday, June 10, 2001, 9:16:18 AM, you wrote:

JR> I've got a situation where I want to include a header file with

JR> <template:insert template="/share/inc_header.jsp">
JR>     <template:put name="header_image" content="/media/h_modify.gif" direct="true"/>
JR> </template:insert>

JR> and then in the header file have

JR>         <html:img page="/media/h_modify.gif" width="315" height="23" border="0"/>

JR> but replace the page="" with the <template:get/>. Trouble is you can't nest 
JR> tags. One options is to do the html without the jsp, and have

JR>         <img src="<%= request.getContextPath() %>/media/h_modify.gif" width="315" 
height="23" border="0"/>

JR> but that doesn't look great, but I can't think of anything else. The 
JR> seems to hide the content away somewhere away in the request, and I don't want to
JR> create 20 little html/jsp pages for the different headers that I have.

JR> Any ideas?

You can place whole html:img tag to the template:put tag as its
content and cut content and direct attributes.

Best regards,
 Oleg                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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