I decided to do the second option, it works quite well. I don't like the
idea of putting the while <html:img/> tag into the <template:put/> because
that'd make the template file confusing for someone trying to maintain it
(the image tag would never appear in the source for the included file, the
developer could spend ages trying to work out what's going on)

>JR> but replace the page="" with the <template:get/>. Trouble is you can't nest 
>JR> tags. One options is to do the html without the jsp, and have
>JR>         <img src="<%= request.getContextPath() %>/media/h_modify.gif" width="315" 
>height="23" border="0"/>
>JR> but that doesn't look great, but I can't think of anything else. The 
>JR> seems to hide the content away somewhere away in the request, and I don't want to
>JR> create 20 little html/jsp pages for the different headers that I have.
>JR> Any ideas?
>You can place whole html:img tag to the template:put tag as its
>content and cut content and direct attributes.

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