The actual validation is accomplished via an ActionForm subclass. For
client-side validation, there are custom tags to generate the
JavaScript. The only part the servlet plays is to digest (parse) the XML
file that defines the validations into a resource the subclass and
custom tags can use.

Because we don't have an alternate loading mechanism yet, the only way
to get really cool additional services into the application is through
servlets. But in this case, it's just a bootstrap servlet. Once the XML
is digested, the servlet component is not used again.

Jonathan Asbell wrote:
> Ah.  So you are saying its just a plain class(not a servlet).  Or rather,
> its not being triggered by urls, but rather by direct calls from other
> classes. Or is it a servlet that is not being triggered by urls.  I am just
> getting confused because it is the umteenth time I have seen these pluggable
> "extensions" referred to as servlets.

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