   We are currently migrating from another framework
to struts. This has brought about a lot of queries &
doubts about how we can use struts to do things for us
that the earlier framework provided. My main concerns
are :
    1.  Does struts provide any build-in mechanism for
session management? If not, then is there any
guideline as to how struts can be used to provide that
kindof support?
    2.  How do I deal with form beans that have
aggregate objects in them. For example, I have a class
called UserInfo, which has the username
& the user address (which is another class called
AddressInfo) among other things. Now, if I have to use
UserInfo class to display/edit user information in a
form. How would I manage that?
    3.  I'm also having problems with URL forwards. It
looks like in struts you have give URL forwards
starting with "/". What if I want to
forward to a URL that doesn't being with "/", i.e., a
relative URL. Say my site looks something like this
http://mysite.com/info1/info2/actionname and I would
want to carry this URL for all the actions, ie, only
the action name would change & the rest of the URL
remains the same. Maybe I'm missing soemthing out

These are few of the questions that I had. Since I'm
new to struts, these questions may be naive. Please
get back to me if you need further clarifications on
the questions.

Thanx in advance,

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