I have implemented an Quickjump in my mainjsp-page.

In the action which is called with the ID of the called Resultpage (can be
an .jsp or an .do) is a
simple Method which is generating the final URL.
I now like to jump / recall  the resultaction.

Any Ideas how to do that?

???? What is the code, to jump to something like:

or  uebersicht_all.do
or  mail.jsp?fthema=jobs

Here's my codeexample:

             public ActionForward perform(ActionMapping mapping,
                                         ActionForm form,
                                         HttpServletRequest request,
                                         HttpServletResponse response)
                                throws IOException, ServletException {

                  String quicklinknr = request.getParameter("Quicklink");

                  String link = DynamicBean.quicklinksearch(quicklinknr);


     ????     return (mapping.findForward(link));  // I know this is wrong


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