Hi Konstantina,

Since you haven't supplied enough details, I'll assume that
you have a table, and each row contains info on one product,
plus two buttons, one for displaying info and one for do
something with the product.

In this case you then make each button look like an array, in 
your form bean, declare something like:

    private int editIndex = -1;
    private int infoIndex = -1;
    private String editString = "";
    private String infoString = "";

    public String getEditString(int index) {
        return editString;
    public final void setEditString(int index, String editString){
        this.editString = editString;
        this.editIndex = index;

   public int getEditIndex () {
        return editIndex;

    public String getInfoString(int index) {
        return infoString;
   public final void setInfoString(int index, String infoString){
        this.infoString = infoString;
        this.infoIndex = index;

   public int getInfoIndex() {
       return infoIndex;

In your jsp, inside your iterate, you woud use:

<html:submit indexed="true" property="editCmd" value="Edit" /> 
<html:submit indexed="true" property="infoCmd" value="Info" /> 

When submitted you can use getInfoString and getEditString
to see which button was pressed (the pressed button will have
a value other than "") and then use the appropriate get index
to see which item was selected.

-- Larry Maturo

-----Original Message-----
From: Konstantina Stamopoulou [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 4:02 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: html:submit button

I have a problem and I can't fingure out the solution to it. Here is my

I have a list of products (PoductBean) on my .jsp and each one of it have
two buttons (html:submit)  :

Button1 --> Display Information for this product
Button2 --> Use the information to do something else

My question is: How can I decide which product has been selected so as to
display its information on my next page? 
>From what I have seen the html:submit tag does not contain any attributes to
pass request parameters.

Thank U in advance,

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