Point noted :-) I'll let someone else explain what the rationale was for doing that. I don't know. I am aware that there is change taking place in commons-validator, and also in the struts-specific validator, but I couldn't really speak to what changes have been effected by that change.

Jerry Jalenak wrote:


Yeah, I do - and I do this alot.  I've written several 'custom' validate
routines and use them without any problems.  My question/concern is to the
motive behind having the default validator-rules.xml always have the
'depend=required' attribute.  As Adam pointed out, some fields only need to
be validated if they contain a value.  Unless someone overrides the default
validator-rules or writes a custom method, there is no way to do this -
using mask, min, max, etc. will also force a 'required' condition...


Eddie Bush

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