Still trying to debug my  "No getter method for property" strange behavior I'm
my classes source code.
I'm thanking in advance thoses who will check about this.
It's been two days I'm trying to find out why this happens.

(See attached file: admReception.jsp)(See attached file:
attached file: attached file:


Postfach 4711 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 07/11/2002 15:04:56

Veuillez répondre à "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Pour :    "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc :
Objet :   Re: No getter method for property message

Hello meissa,

could you please mail your "/filterMails" action mapping, the
corresponding form bean, and action form?

Thursday, November 7, 2002, 2:02:20 PM, you wrote:

mSbf> I'm tearing my hair off about this very strange
mSbf> error message.

mSbf> here it is.
mSbf> javax.servlet.ServletException: No getter method for property targetDir of
mSbf> org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN

mSbf> I get it when my jsp  is called. it seems like my own form bean is not
mSbf> recognized even when I do define all
mSbf> thins in my config file.

mSbf> here is the definition in the struts config file

mSbf> <form-bean      name="readMailForm"
mSbf>                     type="com.bpam.mail.forms.ReadingMailForm"/>

mSbf>  <action    path="/initReception"
mSbf>                name="readMailForm"
mSbf>                type="com.bpam.mail.actions.CreateReceptionAction"
mSbf>               scope="request"
mSbf>            validate="false">
mSbf>       <forward name="success"              path="/admReception.jsp"/>
mSbf>     </action>

mSbf> the form bean class contains simple String attributes.

mSbf> in my jsp, the form is defined like this :
mSbf>  <html:form action="/filterMails">
mSbf>      <html:hidden property="taskAction" value="save"/>
mSbf>       <table border="0"  width="90%" align="center" CELLPADDING="0"
mSbf> "1" border="0" cla"form">

mSbf>                <tr height="40">
mSbf>                     <td width="3%">&nbsp;</td>
mSbf>                     <td><bean:message key="libelle.repertoire"/></td>
mSbf>                     <td>
mSbf>                          <html:text property="targetDir" size="30"
mSbf>                     </td>
mSbf>                </tr>
mSbf>       </table>
mSbf>       </html:form>

mSbf> when I call them in admReception.jsp, I get error message above saying
that the
mSbf> targetDir has no getter method. what' wrong.

mSbf> I've searching the all archive list, but there is nothing similar to my

mSbf> if someone can help .

mSbf> Meissa

mSbf> --
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Attachment: admReception.jsp
Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Attachment: struts-config.xml
Description: Binary data

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