I am new to struts but when I used the select with options tag I created 2 equal size 
vectors (labels, values)....the jsp was

  <html:select  name="incidentForm"  property="selectedUnsafe"  >
  <html:options name="incidentForm" property="unsafeValues" labelName="incidentForm" 
        labelProperty="unsafeLabels" />

or, in another case I used the iterate tag to create a list:

<logic:iterate id="test" 
    <td><html:submit property="removeUnsafe" value="Remove" /></td>
    <td><bean:write name="test" property="desc" filter="false"/></td>
    <td><html:hidden name="test" property="id" /></td>

Don't know if this is the correct way or not; but it worked for me !!

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Power [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 2:18 PM
Subject: need Help, I have been struggling for days. (collections

I am trying to do something I have done many times before

I have a collection of objects which I want to use in a drop down menu
for the user.  
I have a vector that contains (int ids,Object ) 

In the object bean I have methods that get/set the values, for example

public String getCriteriaName(){.......}

In my jsp I have several text fields and I am able to get the values of
them in my action bean. This criteria is the only value I am having
trouble with. I get a Cannot find bean under name criteriaList.  I have
done this before with vectors of similar structure and I am really

<html:select property="criteriaName">

In my action form bean I make objects and put them in a vector then I
request.setAttribute/session.setAttribute depending on scope.

All I want to do is to get the string value back from what the user

If anybody can Help, it would be great.

Thanks in Advance.

Scott Power

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