Ignore if you already fixed this, but the tag usage should be:

<html:form action="/updateOrder">


<html:form action="/updateOrder.do">

The reason for this is so Struts can append the extension that you defined in the 
servlet mapping (e.g. ".do")--this way you can change the servlet mapping later 
without changing any of your html:form tags in your jsps. :)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: MarwanSalam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 5:12 PM
> Subject: Error 500: Cannot retrieve definition for form bean null 
> Hi,
> I am getting "Error 500: Cannot retrieve definition for form bean 
> null" when I use the form tag <html:form action="/updateOrder.do">. 
> However, if I use <form action="updateOrder.do" method="post">, I 
> don't get that error. Is there something wrong I am doing?
> Here is the action-mapping from struts-config:
> <action    path="/updateOrder"
>            type="mypackage.UpdateOrdersAction">
>            name="updateOrderForm"
>                  scope="session"
>                  validate="false">
>            input="/updateorder.jsp">
>    <forward name="update"     path="/showorderdetails.jsp"/>
>    <forward name="edit"       path="/updateorder.jsp"/>
> </action>
> Here is my form-bean definition from struts-config:
> <form-bean name="updateOrderForm"
>            type="mypackage.UpdateOrderForm"/>
> Thanks,
> Marwan
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