Does anyone else ever wake up going "Man, I feel overwhelmed. Too much
too learn, not enough time." I started this computer stuff rather late
in life and find it very difficult trying to pick out what to try
concentrate my learning in. Bottom line is I have to put food on the
table for the family so I have to concentrate in skill sets that are
valuable (and not just fun:). I started this computer stuff rather late
in life (4 years ago and I'm 33 now) and constantly wonder "What should
I concentrate on learning next?" When you spend too much time learning
one area you fall behind in another. That's what I find so amazing about
some of these job applications- is they put down tons of skill sets and,
sure there might be a few that truly 'know' all of the skill sets
listed, but rarely have I come across that many people that can honestly
say they are proficient in all of them. Then it's also the Catch-22 of
if you diverse too much you end up being "ok" at a lot of stuff but not
really "good" at any one skill. It seems like in this market it's best
to just concentrate on being very good at a few skill sets vs trying to
learn everything, but I could be totally wrong there. All and all it's
just very frustrating:) Ehhh I'm just venting... just ignore me. Wish I
could just start over and be a farmer in some little rural ho-dunk town
where my greatest concerns would be whether God was going to provide
enough rain for the crops. 


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