On Mon, Mar 31,'03 (12:56 PM GMT+0800), Andrew wrote: 
> My old man was a farm labourer. Its no walk in the park, 

Well, I certainly didn't mean to imply that it would be and of course I
really wasn't serious about wanting to be a farmer (I'm way too lazy
for that job:). I just meant it from the standpoint that sometimes I'm
envious of those positions where you "know what you need to do and you
just do it and if you do it well you can be successful." - idealistic I
know especially in today's complex world. I was thinking more back to
the days when maybe one was a quality cobbler or a quality blacksmith
and you did your job well and you managed to get by ok. I assume back
then they had their problems as well I'm sure. It just appears life was
simpler - not necessarily easier by any means- just simpler. Of course
everything is relative, and to the people back then life probably seemed
anything but 'simple.' 


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