Hi all,

I am about to embark on learning about the validation features of
struts.  I currently have a dynamic form (configured in struts-config)
used as a wizard interface and I would like to validate several of
those fields.

I am reading the O'Reilly book _Programming Jakarta Struts_ and I'm
confused about what I need to do.

The book refers to a files called "validation.xml" and about setting
up the plugin.  I am using struts 1.1 and I don't have a
validation.xml file.  I do have a validator-rules.xml and several
dtd's that have DEPRECATED all through out them.

My question is, if I want to add a "formset" (as described on page
272), where do I put it?  Do I need to set up a plug in?

Also, what are those "arg0's" pointing to?

As an aside, has anyone else found that this book covers a lot of
bredth, but not nearly enough depth?  Every time I start working on
part of my project, the book leads me in a certain direction, but
falls short of actually getting there.  Thank goodness for this list
and the archives...



Gregory F. March    -=-    http://www.gfm.net:81/~march    -=-    AIM:GfmNet

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