
   I am assuming that have downloaded the necessary jars: jakarta-oro.jar
and commons-validator.jar.  There may be some additional ones that I am
missing.  You will need to specify the validator as plug-in in the
struts-config file

for example:

        <set-property property="pathnames" 

the validator.xml file is where you specify the validation rules for your
forms.  The arg0 tags are the arguments that are being passed to the error
message for your validation rule. 
For example,

error.required = {0} is required

{0} is the value being passed in from the <arg0> tag.


-----Original Message-----
From: Gregory F. March [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 2:51 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: DynaValidatorForm setup

Hi all,

I am about to embark on learning about the validation features of
struts.  I currently have a dynamic form (configured in struts-config)
used as a wizard interface and I would like to validate several of
those fields.

I am reading the O'Reilly book _Programming Jakarta Struts_ and I'm
confused about what I need to do.

The book refers to a files called "validation.xml" and about setting
up the plugin.  I am using struts 1.1 and I don't have a
validation.xml file.  I do have a validator-rules.xml and several
dtd's that have DEPRECATED all through out them.

My question is, if I want to add a "formset" (as described on page
272), where do I put it?  Do I need to set up a plug in?

Also, what are those "arg0's" pointing to?

As an aside, has anyone else found that this book covers a lot of
bredth, but not nearly enough depth?  Every time I start working on
part of my project, the book leads me in a certain direction, but
falls short of actually getting there.  Thank goodness for this list
and the archives...



Gregory F. March    -=-    -=-    AIM:GfmNet

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