Hi Mohan

You can have one action form and one action class for different JSP
pages.But it would be a good design if all the JSP pages represent one
type of function in your application. A typical example would be a
Registration Module. Registration requires say around 2-3 JSP pages one
after the other. In this case you can have action form say
RegistrationForm.java and one Action class called RegistrationAction.java.
You can do the following in the struts-config.xml for such

<form-bean      name="registrationForm"
for the form-bean declaration  and

       <forward name="input1" path="/forms/some1.jsp"/>
       <forward name="input2" path="/forms/some2.jsp"/>
      <forward name="success" path="/forms/some3.jsp"/>

for the action mappings part. You can have conditions in the Action class
to take you to the respective jsp page upon validation of each page.

-Good luck

>> Hi,
>> I am new to Struts and I have to complete a project with an aggressive
>> deadline. I want to know the following:
>> My application will have about 80-100 screens each having different
>> action items. Most screens will have a common header, footer, and a
>> navbar. My questions are:
>> I thought of using Tiles for my application. Is that a good idea.
>> -    Should I have to have one action form for each screen or can I group
>> the screens and have one action form for a group of screens. Which
>> would be a preferred method?
>> -    Should I have to have one action class for each screen or can I
>> group the action classes the same way as forms? Which would be a
>> preferred method?
>> -    Every screen of mine is going to be a jsp page. I want to populate
>> the form data at the time when someone enters the page from another
>> page and I want to write the data into the database at the time when
>> the user leaves a page with an action. Is this possible in the same
>> action class? How does the flow work? Does the control go to the
>> action class first before the form data is picked up for display. If
>> that is the case, will there be an easy way for me to set the form
>> data from the same action class for the form before the data is
>> displayed? Where can I see a sample code if I use one single action
>> class for loading the data and for processing the actions within the
>> form? What should be the setting within the struts-config file for the
>> above scenario.
>> Sorry, if my questions are dumb. I need help.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Mohan
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