The question is whether you have the time to familiarise yourself with struts in order to take advantage of its time-saving features.

Tiles would be good, having an action class for each object would be sensible, with different action mappings for display, create, update, delete and other operations.

However you may find that rushing everything will cause real delays if you are using struts and you are not sure how to solve problems in areas that you have not learnt.

Good luck,

Mohan Kalyanasundaram wrote:

I am new to Struts and I have to complete a project with an aggressive
deadline. I want to know the following:

My application will have about 80-100 screens each having different action
items. Most screens will have a common header, footer, and a navbar. My
questions are:

I thought of using Tiles for my application. Is that a good idea.
-       Should I have to have one action form for each screen or can I group
the screens and have one action form for a group of screens. Which would
be a preferred method?
-       Should I have to have one action class for each screen or can I
group the action classes the same way as forms? Which would be a preferred
-       Every screen of mine is going to be a jsp page. I want to populate
the form data at the time when someone enters the page from another page
and I want to write the data into the database at the time when the user
leaves a page with an action. Is this possible in the same action class?
How does the flow work? Does the control go to the action class first
before the form data is picked up for display. If that is the case, will
there be an easy way for me to set the form data from the same action
class for the form before the data is displayed? Where can I see a sample
code if I use one single action class for loading the data and for
processing the actions within the form? What should be the setting within
the struts-config file for the above scenario.

Sorry, if my questions are dumb. I need help.

Thanks in advance,

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