Andrew's procedure is what my team has done on one project, too. Originally,
we tried getting the ActionForward and changing it directly, but it turns
out that is a shared instance and changing the original was messing up other
requests. After we discovered this problem, we switched to Andrew's scheme
of creating a new ActionForward to return from the Action.

I posted a message today with a note about dynamically adding a query string
to an ActionForward in the "URL does not change even after changing action"
thread. This thread has the details about how to do that.

I am interested to hear from other folks if they have a novel way to do this
(i.e. add a query string to an ActionForward). Anybody got a better way?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andrew Hill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 12:36 AM
Subject: RE: Need to modify the URL path of the forward dynamically

> Need to modify the URL path of the forward dynamicallyGet the Forward
> instance as usual. Obtain its url string using getPath(). Add your
> additional parameter to end of string and create a new ActionForward
> instance that uses the decorated path (and copies the redirect property
> the original action forward), and return this new actionforward instance.
>   -----Original Message-----
>   From: Swaminathan Rajagopalan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Sent: Monday, 9 February 2004 16:34
>   Cc: Kamal_Poddar
>   Subject: Need to modify the URL path of the forward dynamically
>   Hi,
>   We have a URL in the path attribute of a forward for an action. We need
> dynamically append some request variables to this URL in the action class,
> for they are available only at execution time. How can this be achieved?
>   E.g
>    <action    path="/additionalAccountInfoScreen"
> type="xxx.yyy.zzz.web.control.action.AdditionalAccountInfoScreenAction"
>                  name="additionalAccountInfoForm"
>                  validate="false"
>                  input="previousPage"
>                  parameter="populateStmt"
>                  scope="session">
>           <forward name="url"
>   To the URL path here e.g we need to add
> accessId=xxx at run time in the action
> class(
>   Please let us know how this can be done?
>   Regards,
>   Swaminathan Rajagopalan,
>   Ph : (8520261) Extn: 55955

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