yes, what is you exec overview/
why are you proposing to discard .xo bundling?
or is this an option?

With the XO 1.5 including a gnome desktop
and just for development purposes,
and environmental running environments
having a broader base
(read multi linux distro and even aspartamine)
and multi windowing systems might be in order,
but why is this python solution
worth considering?

FoodForce2 runs from source better on Fedora
without the XO bundling (maybe a porting progress issue)

Learning python/ sugar/ xo development on a desktop is easier.

sugar-jhbuild environment lets me run both environments at once
where virtualization brings my machine to it's knees,

Maybe I'm just a noob on the sugar-devel list, (and not subbed to the list, so not even trying to send there) and expecting more of
a business, case but sell me / us on it, please.

I know there are next gen .rpm build from source like RPath,
and .deb and packaging things, different parts of even the Linux/
*Nix family trees (can you say darwin/*bsd/ why isn't sugar running
native on a mac) are rather territorial, and flame producing reglious
wars, but even a then, why not use some other build from tarball
type approach?

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 4:32 AM, Martin Langhoff
<> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 6:39 AM, Bernie Innocenti <> wrote:
>> Zero Install appears to have identified reasonable compromises for many
>> of these trade-offs. While I'm not yet claiming that z-i would be a
> (Keeping it in the Sugar side... )
> I think it's a very good idea to look into a userdir-centric packaging
> system such as z-i. There are of course a few other alternatives, and
> very well considered critiques of these systems (from OS-centric
> packagers usually ;-) ) so we don't have to hope we've diagnosed all
> the potentiall pitfalls -- others have.
> So a couple of questions -- out of curiosity, no intention to start a
> flamefest.
>  - Is anything making z-i specially interesting?
>  - What pitfalls will our individual end users and deployment teams
> face with it?
> cheers,
> m
> --
> -- School Server Architect
>  - ask interesting questions
>  - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
>  -
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> Sugar-devel mailing list

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