> That's a different model. We want the openID _provider_ to be either on the
> laptop itself or on the school server. Since the _server_ has a changing
> FQDN, this becomes harder. The solution would be to propose a change to the
> protocol or register the school servers domains (or subs) with a Dynamic DNS
> provider.
Now we are talking, this is only a technical problem.

Clearly, the provider should not be on the laptop. That would defeat
the entire purpose of having an "Identity Provider". Now on the

One solution is to provide Dynamic DNS, as you say, and its one I like
very much, I had thought about it too for our planned server

Second, and perhaps simpler: woudnt the school server control DNS for
the laptops?
What about just make point "identityprovider.local" to your local
schoolserver? - Ah - i got it, the other end must reach the identity
provider too... !

So one solution, dynamic DNS, is pretty robust an tried plus simple.
+100 for that.


Sebastian Silva
Iniciativa FuenteLibre
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