At 10:57 PM 4/5/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Masz zupelna racje. Taki swiat bylby...

Hi Slawek--

I kind of thought you might fire off an answer like that, and I have to
concede the point.  As we say in English, "touché."  We can't learn all the
world's languages.  English is now the lingua franca, and I suppose I
should be thankful that I speak it natively.  However, I do enjoy seeing
messages in one of the languages I can read, and Anglophones like me are
apt to be able to handle Romance and Germanic, but less likely to do
Slavic, or far-away (from us) languages like Arabic or Chinese.   

Svensk?  Jag kan inte tale Svensk... (I can't speak Swedish) but it always
amazes me how much one can improvise and read in a language one doesn't
know by guesing and using bits and pieces.          

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