At 09:15 AM 10/13/99 -0700, John Carmichael wrote:
>First, someone could write an article or series of articles on basic
>beginning trigonometry as it applies to dialing. 


>I see a definite need for more articles, written by
>craftsmen and artists, on the practical aspects of sundial construction
>using metals and stone in particular.  

Bravo.  I would like to second those ideas.  Ditto the remark about not
doing away with the abstruse math.  I skim over some of those articles
enjoying the idea of being in the company of people who can write them and
others who can grasp all the mathm, while pretending that I mean to re-read
the articles more attentively and will be able to follow the math better if
I concentrate.    

It would be really nice to have some remedial trig articles.  There have
been some articles on woriking in metal and stone.  I, too, would like to
see more of these.  

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