<Are there other nominations for the "most valuable sundial".


Here are a few:

The Disney Sundial in Orlando

The Sundial Bridge in Redding CA

The big dial at Jaipur India

The Washington Monument


The Earth!


p.s.  This reminds me of the similar fruitless discussions we've had on the
"biggest sundials".  How does one define "most valuable"? Just as there are
many ways to define "biggest", there are many ways to define "valuable".
There are no winners in these contests!



From: sundial-boun...@uni-koeln.de [mailto:sundial-boun...@uni-koeln.de] On
Behalf Of Roger Bailey
Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2011 8:47 PM
To: Sundial List
Subject: Most Valuable Sundial?


I happened to come across this obscure link to the Guinness Book of Records
for the "most valuable sundial".




Perhaps, but define value. Is it cost? tons of bronze and gold plating, man
hour of construction? I think not. This sundial is a replica. Perhaps the
original was much more valuable, historically, culturally, scientifically. 


Value is not the cost to reproduce. I have designed a sundial to reproduce
at a different location the famous sundial designed by Ibn Al Shatir in
Damascus in 1371, a complex sundial, the first sundial with a polar gnomon.
Mine is a fine sundial but the original is valuable.


Are there other nominations for the "most valuable sundial".


Regards, Roger Bailey


"Life's but a Walking Shadow....."  



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