

Here are photos of actual clocks for sale with spiral faces.  Notice that the 
hour numerals in each turn of the spiral are radially aligned so that the clock 
hands point to the same numerals in all the turns.  A planar equatorial dial 
would be the perfect dial type to use in this design.  See :   The dial you referred to was invented 
by Bill Gottesman and it takes the form of a 3D helix.




From: [] 
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2017 2:36 PM
To: John Carmichael;
Subject: Re: Golden Ratio and Sundials


Hi all and thanks to everyone who responded to my questions. All very 


John I have never see a spiral clock face. Very interesting thanks. Learn 
something every day.


That had me thinking. I think I have seen somewhere where there is a spiral 
sundial. Where a spot of light marked the time on the numbers on the spiral.


Wonder if it was a Golden Ratio spiral.


Have fun,


Roderick Wall.


----- Reply message -----
From: "John Carmichael" <>
To: "''" <>, <>
Subject: Golden Ratio and Sundials
Date: Sat, Jun 24, 2017 2:34 AM

Do a goggle image search on “spiral clock face”.  A similar sundial face design 
could be made.   Time marks and numerals could be adjusted to be in the proper 
positions to be a functional sundial.
From: sundial [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 2:04 PM
Subject: Golden Ratio and Sundials
Hi all,
I have been reading a book on the Golden Ratio which is 1.6180339887. It 
describes how the Golden Ratio describes how the spiral of a sea shell is 
produced. And how nature uses the Golden Ratio on the size of leaves etc.
Does anyone know if sundials have ever been produced useing the Golden Ratio. 
The Golden Ratio goes back in history so one wonders if it was ever applied to 
The book describes that the short and long sizes of credit cards are close to 
being the Golden Ratio.
LongSide/ShortSide = Golden Ratio.
Roderick Wall.

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