I have SRSS 3.1.1 on 2 Linux sunray servers (pablo and skb-linux) and
SRSS 2.0 on Solaris 9 (ndssr01).  'utselect' won't work between a Linux
SR server and the solaris 9 server, but it will work between the two
Linux boxes.   All three have the public network and private sunray
networks of each other in the /etc/hosts files. Could it be because of
the SRSS 2.0 on the solaris 9 box?  Do I need to upgrade SRSS?  They are
not in a failover group and I don't want them to be in a failover group.
I can ping any box from any other on the sunray private network.  And I
can ping the sunray from any box.  The solaris 9 is the DHCP server.  

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