Note that utselect will *never* display hosts outside of the local FOG,
is this perhaps what you are seeing?  You can run it with the "-R" option
to get a text-input field where you can type a server name, but that's the
most you can do to deal with extra-FOG hosts - you can't get a chooser
that lists hosts outside of your local FOG.

It works fine between any OS platforms.  I do this almost daily (although
I use utswitch directly, which utselect also uses).


ottomeister wrote:
On 2/19/07, Bemis, Suzanna K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have SRSS 3.1.1 on 2 Linux sunray servers (pablo and skb-linux) and SRSS 2.0 on Solaris 9 (ndssr01). 'utselect' won't work between a Linux SR server
and the solaris 9 server ...

In what way doesn't it work?  (What do you see when you run
it, how do you interact with it, what happens then?)

Does it "not work" in both directions or only in one?

What does 'utgstatus' show on these machines?

On which of the networks that show in 'utgstatus' is the Sun
Ray unit located?

Does 'utswitch -h <servername>' work?


Disclaimer: These are my opnions.  I do not speak for my employer.
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