On 01/19/11 15:13, Carl Holzhauer wrote:
> We've had this happen randomly, but it doesn't sound like it's as bad as you 
> have it.
> When it happens, I just go into the web console and kill the session.  The 
> user has to unplug power from the DTU, but after that,  it functions normally

This is what we did in the past using the CLI issuing utsession -k -t

What I found out in the meantimeis that the problem might be gdm not
starting a new session....

At the moment I'm quite confused:

After server reboot everything runs smoothly, gdm shows up on every DTU,
login is possible.

After some time the number of dead DTUs increases, as no new login
launched after logout.

The DTU remains broken until the next reboot.


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