Backwards steps are where the money is, if a solution is cheap to buy,
implement and support, who is making money on that?

When a company the size of Oracle makes a decision, the reasoning is
rarely simple or even explainable. I think sometimes an idea from an
executive gathers momentum, and happens regardless of reasoning. I'd
like to see someone buy the Sun Ray stack, but not sure it'll happen.
I'm choosing to look at Axel thin clients instead.

On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 2:57 PM, Aaron Browne <> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Is anyone able to point me in the direction of a real explanation as to why
> Oracle is choosing to discontinue their Sun Ray products?
> Our company has 370 Sun Ray devices in service. The models vary but we are
> running Sun Ray 1 through to Sun Ray 3.
> We chose Sun Ray for obvious reasons. Simplicity, ease of setup, central
> administration, flexibility, low power, smart card roaming and long service
> life.
> The decision to end development of Sun Ray technologies by Oracle is not a
> very positive step for us. Almost our entire desktop solution is based
> around Sun Ray.
> This has a flow on impact. Most notably, Oracle can no longer deliver the
> entire virtualisation stack from client to server. Oracle will completely
> lose desktop presence here.
> Decisions people make on the desktop will impact what is chosen for the back
> end. This will mean that Oracle hardware is less likely to be purchased
> purely based on best fit.
> To me, the decision to halt development of Sun Ray technologies is not
> obvious. It is a backwards step.
> If anything, I would have anticipated a bigger push, especially considering
> the huge emphasis on security, efficiency and cost effectiveness in IT.
> Cheers,
> Aaron
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