Hi all,

Supervisor 3.0a12 has been released to PyPI with the following changes:

3.0a12 (2011-06-06)

- Released to replace a broken 3.0a11 package where non-Python files were
  not included in the package.

3.0a11 (2011-06-06)

- The ``pid`` command in supervisorctl can now be used to retrieve the PIDs
  of child processes.  See ``help pid``.  Patch by Gregory Wisniewski.

- Added a new ``host_node_name`` expansion that will be expanded to the
  value returned by Python's ``platform.node`` (see
  Patch by Joseph Kondel.

- Fixed a bug in the web interface where pages over 64K would be truncated.
  Thanks to Drew Perttula and Timothy Jones for reporting this.

- Renamed ``README.txt`` to ``README.rst`` so GitHub renders the file as

- The XML-RPC server is now compatible with clients that do not send empty
  <params> when there are no parameters for the method call.  Thanks to
  Johannes Becker for reporting this.

- Fixed ``supervisorctl --help`` output to show the correct program name.

- The behavior of the configuration options ``minfds`` and ``minprocs`` has
  changed.  Previously, if a hard limit was less than ``minfds`` or
  ``minprocs``, supervisord would unconditionally abort with an error.  Now,
  supervisord will attempt to raise the hard limit.  This may succeed if
  supervisord is run as root, otherwise the error is printed as before.
  Patch by Benoit Sigoure.

- Add a boolean program option ``killasgroup``, defaulting to false,
  if true when resorting to send SIGKILL to stop/terminate the process
  send it to its whole process group instead to take care of possible
  children as well and not leave them behind.  Patch by Samuele Pedroni.

- Environment variables may now be used in the configuration file
  for options that support string expansion.  Patch by GitHub user

- Fixed a race condition where supervisord might not act on a signal sent
  to it.  Thanks to Adar Dembo for reporting the issue and supplying the
  initial patch.

- Updated the output of ``echo_supervisord_conf`` to fix typos and
  improve comments.  Thanks to Jens Rantil for noticing these.


Mike Naberezny
Maintainable Software

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