Cool, sounds good, and thanks!

Quick question while on the topic of traffic shaping, anyone know if the "Generic" VOIP preset works with SunRocket? I just ordered their service, haven't received anything in the mail to test it with yet, so just curious if anyone's had any experience with the "gizmo" behind a pfSense box doing traffic shaping. SR says it should use 90kbps tops, should I guarantee it 128kbps just to be on the safe side of things? There's no way the "gizmo" is going in front of my pfSense, it doesn't handle bittorrent traffic to well, and the gizmo itself actually reboots during a firmware update, which momentarily would kill the internet.

Thanks again,
Kevin W.

Bill Marquette wrote:

This would be your lucky day ;)

On 11/23/05, Kevin Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Just a few comments... first off, the rules for Shareaza and Gnutella
seem to be identical, so you might choose to either remove Shareaza, or
rename it to Gnutella 2- and have it shape TCP as well as UDP packets on
6346 since G2 uses both protocols, instead of only TCP (which would be

OK, combined Gnutella/Shareaza rules and added UDP.

Gnutella).  Secondly, it lists MSN, ICQ, and IRC for changing
priorities, why not AIM?  It uses port 5190, and since this is pretty
common knowledge, couldn't this be added easily to the wizard?  I know


it could be added manually, but if it could be added easily to the
wizard then it would save a small bit of work for the user if they
wanted to shape AIM traffic.  Also, maybe you could add more games to
the list? =)  If you have spare time anyway, as I know there are other
things with a much higher priority than all of this.  Some examples
would be Lineage II: 2106, 2009, 7777 TCP Inbound and Outbound (the last
port there is also used by a few other games including UT); GunZ Online
7700 UDP Inbound and Outbound; virtually any Blizzard game aside from
WoW and WC3 (Starcraft, Warcraft II, Diablo II) as well as the game
Guild Wars: 6112 TCP In/Out; Warcraft III: 6112-6119 TCP In/Out; World
of Warcraft: 3724 TCP In/Out.  There are a bazillion more games that


could be added, but those are the ones I had to make queues for myself
since they weren't in the magical wizard thing.  One last thing, you

Sure could be, I don't have the funds or the time to research each one
and add it ;)  For that we rely on people that use pfSense and these
games to supply us with the details and request for addition.

might want to automatically move the queues with the huge ranges to the
bottom of the priority list, as to not screw up the nice ones that use
only one port inside of those huge ranges... example would be
battlefield 2 at UDP ports 1500 through 4999 or EQ at TCP 1024 through 6000.

That's not quite as easy to handle.  I'll make a note in the wizard
about those games though.


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