Reminder: Deadline March 14 for proposal submission is approaching

     [Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]

     *                 CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS              *
     *                                                          *
     *                          AmI-11                          *
     *  International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence  *
     *                Amsterdam, The Netherlands                *
     **_November_  16-18, 2011*                     *
     *                                                          *
     *                   *
     *                                                          *



Reiner Wichert, Fraunhofer IGD, Germany

Jean Gelissen, Philips Research, the Netherlands

Kristof Van Laerhoven, TU Darmstadt, Germany


Workshops are an opportunity to meet in the context of the AmI-11 conference and discuss a common theme and/or common topics of interest. In particular emerging and future areas in the field are subject to organize a workshop at AmI-11. The workshop should have the potential to move the field forward and suggest promising directions.

Interested workshop organizers are requested to submit a proposal to the conference. If the workshop is accepted the workshop is publicized as part of the conference programme and potential participants have to submit a position paper. It is our aim that refereed material from workshops will be bundled in separate proceedings by Springer Verlag (approval pending).

AmI-11 workshop proposals should fit into one of the following categories:

1. EU PROJECT WORKSHOPS intended for internal, restricted, or public exchange of research progress or proposals related to projects funded by the European Commission - typically in the context of FP7

2. FOCUSSED SCIENTIFIC WORKSHOPS emphasizing a relatively narrow topic related to the AmI-11 overall theme. The topic should be interesting and concise such as to attract a group of like-minded participants.

3. EARLY-WORK SCIENTIFIC WORKSHOPS soliciting well defended research project proposals, work-in-progress reports, and similar early papers of sufficient quality.

You should make the general goal of the workshop clear, topics to be discussed, a proposal for the schedule of the workshop, the type of workshop as either half-day or full-day, the type of participants you will expect to take part, means for marketing of the workshop, the procedures for handling the reviews as well as plans for using the outcome of the workshop. The submission should also include a 250 word Call for Participation to be used to promote the workshop.

Accepted workshop abstracts will be published in the Conference Proceedings (at least two pages long). After acceptance, a final, revised camera-ready version will be required in electronic form to go in the proceedings. Final camera-ready versions of accepted workshop proposals must be accompanied by a signed copyright form. After acceptance organizers should set up an external web page delivering all the necessary information for interested people. Workshops can be restricted to participation upon invitation only or they can be kept open. In any case, advance registration will be required in order to plan ahead for the required facilities. The criteria, reviewing and acceptance of each workshop papers is handled by their workshop organizers.

Only electronic submissions in PDF format are accepted; Workshop proposals should follow the Springer guidelines for Proceedings ( and can be submitted using the Conference Review System at and must be submitted by the deadline indicated below.

Proposals for Scientific Workshops (scope 2+3 above) must include the following information:

1) Content of the Workshop: a) Title; b) Tentative Text of the Call for Papers; c) Abstract describing - as far as not yet covered d) the Rationale, tentative review/selection procedure and timeline, publication plans, expected number of participants, and further information considered relevant

2) For each of the (one through five) proposers: a) Name, Affiliation; b) Short Bio, including a description of the expertise in the topic(s) of the workshop;

3) Tentative Program Committee (Name+Affiliation of members)

If you have questions about the Workshops category for AmI-11 please contact <>

*Important Dates*

*March 14: Deadline for Proposal Submissions*

*April 04: Notifications of Acceptance*

*Nov 16: Workshops at the AmI-11 venue*

[Proposed Schedule for Workshops (*responsibility of workshop organizers*):
July 25: Submission Deadline for workshop position papers of participants
Sept 19: Notification of Acceptance
Oct17: Final Papers Due]

Reiner Wichert
Jean Gelissen
Kristof Van Laerhoven


Dr. Reiner Wichert
Head of Fraunhofer-Allianz Ambient Assisted Living
Department Head Interactive Multimedia Appliances

Fraunhofer-Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung IGD
Fraunhoferstrasse 5  |  64283 Darmstadt  |  Germany
Telefon +49 6151 155-574  |  Fax +49 6151 155-480  |

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