Thanks to everyone working on s2ram.  I am happy to report that I was
able to successfully suspend and resume my Gateway 200ARC laptop using
the following:

   s2ram -f -m -s -a2

The above works from both text console (VT1) and X (VT7), running xorg.
As far as I can tell, everything resumes perfectly, including X display,
text consoles, networking (including wireless), etc.  For reference, I
am running a fairly standard Debian Etch setup.

Here is the output of s2ram -i:

   This machine can be identified by:
       sys_vendor   = "Gateway "
       sys_product  = "Gateway 200arc "
       sys_version  = "Revision 01"
       bios_version = "42.00.18"
   See for details.

   If you report a problem, please include the complete output above.

Please let me know if you would like any additional information.  As you
may guess, I tried a few other options before discovering the ones that
work.  In particular -a1 and -a3 caused unresumable states.  Also, -a2
by itself does not work.



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