Hi Robert and All,
--- robert luis rabello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> jerry dycus wrote:

> >       The main way to make methanol now is to use
> syn
> > gas( H2,CO) and pure O2  at 1500 lbs pressure and
> a
> > catalyst, copper(old) or zinc(new) based..
> Thanks for the summary!  I've been looking for info
> on this for a long time and have
> found nothing!
     Your welcome but it's a bit simplfied. More
details as I get them. If I'm wrong I'll report them
too. It's as important to no what doesn't work as what
    I wory about putting pure O2,H2 and CO together in
an 1500 lb pressure vessel. This sounds like a big
bomb to me so if anyone tries this be careful out
>     Electrolysis to produce H2, especially under
> pressure (so that a compressor is
> unnecessary) is easier.  There are some interesting
> things that can be done with
> electrolysis at elevated temperatures, using metals
> like aluminum or iron.  (We're
> talking temps in the 1 000 C range, which is high,
> but not outrageous. . .)  The
> thermodynamics of the process are quite favorable at
> those temperatures.
      In these reactions the alum and iron are fuels
that turn into oxides in the process rather than
electrolysis I believe. Alum and zinc/ air fuel cells
work like this .  
     My goal was the pure O2 and would use the H2 to
power the O2 making process. If you need H2 and have
scrap alum it's a good way to make it. With new alum
you lose because it takes a lot more energy than it
gives to make the aluminum.    
>     This has frequently led me to the supposition
> that curious people might investigate
> steam reforming of charcoal or producer gas.  There
      I have some info on this and is how they made
gas for towns and it's called water or blue gas.
   Looking up the name of the process I found the
formula's, reactions and details of producer gas
systems from an old engineering manual called Marks
handbook, 2300 pages of neat stuff like how All energy
sources were made, steam engines, gas producers
refridgerating. hydro turbines ect. Look in old book
stores to find books like this before written before
>     One might also consider simply burning the
> biomass to produce the necessary heat if
> concentrated solar isn't available.
      I was thinking, a dangous habit, that if you put
a water, carbon mixture fed to a solar concentrator
you would get syn gas, H2 and CO. This would store
solar energy for when the sun goes down and to make a
portable fuel like methanol. 
     Come to think about it feed CO2 and water/ steam
for the feedstock to make syn gas. All those old
satilite dishes would make great solar concentrators
with tracking already set up. If I ever get on the
gasification list I'll ask. 
     You could put a solar unit next to a bio/ fossil
fuel power plant for a CO2 source. The eff might be
quite good and be paid to take the CO2 also.
   Better stop before my brain explodes ;-) from all
this thinking.
       jerry dycus
> robert luis rabello

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