Hi Pedro and All,
--- "Pedro M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry, I am not sure I have understood all you are
> saying, because this is
> not in a plain easy english for me .
      Sorry, I'll try to be more clear.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "jerry dycus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <biofuel@yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 3:16 AM
> Subject: Re: [biofuel] Nuclear
> >       Hi Pedro asnd All,
> > --- "Pedro M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >       I think you'll find that many eco's on this
> list
> > like inheritly safe nukes.
> Nukes : nuclear ????.
>  I'd love to get a couple of
> > the fuel balls from a gas reactor. All the energy
> I'd
> > need for 20 plus years with almost no pollution.
> You speak about gas. I think you speak about petrol
> gas. Would you use it
> better if you can get if from biomass ????. Me, for
> sure ;)
     Helium gas is used as the heat transfer medium to
take the heat from the fuel to the boilers to make
steam to make power.
> > > Now, we can see the anti-globalization movement.
> Are
> >       I'm more of an anti  greedy, non-caring
> > corporation person.
> You are speaking about anti-globalization movement,
> at least, like
> #antiglobalization channel in the irc-hispano
> network think of it.
     I hope so.
> Itīs an anti-oligopolistic movement. Itīs very
> usefull for us, because the
> great petrol corporations are against biodiesel (
> like the international -
> originally spanish- corporations ).
     Time for your people to control your goverment. 
> For sure, I agree with you.
> > > they going to protest
> > > agains the http://www.iaea.int/  International
> > > Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
> >       Better to steer them to better nukes to burn
> up
> > the nasty stuff.
> A good ecologist itīs against nuclear energy,
> because ítīs danger. Remember
> Chernobyl.
     Not in my mind.  Nuclear, non dam hydro and and
other renewable energy sources are the way to go. 
     Chernobyl was a bad design run by incompetent
people and that's why we need inheritly safe reactors.
> Lots of people, ecologist or not, donīt want nuclear
> energy. And nuclear
> DANGER, death energy itīs powered by Bush
> Administration.
    The French and many others would disagree.
    Not really, the Bush administration is powered by
fossil fuel industries mostly.
> I will recommend to antiglobalization movement
> create a Headquarter near
> Vienna International Centre in Austria, where the
> International Atomic
> Energy Agency has its headquarters ;)
    If you want but remember, be careful what you ask
for, you may get it. 
> > > ; when you cannot see a similar UN agency for
> > > renowable energy.
> >       I'd really love to see it.
> It will be some think to ask in the future
> antiglobalization meetings ;) I
> have said the idea in the antiglobalization forums
> and they  hold the idea
> ;)
       Europe already has embraced the RE movement and
we are trying to get it here in the US but the
subsidies to the petro industries have kept it down
but is changing. 
    I'm very against Corperate welfare here. Without
corporate welfare RE would be widespread here now for
cost reasons..
> People all over the world read this list
> > and are starting biofuel plants bypassing the big
> > corporations.
> > >
> Itīs not so easy. Oligopolistic corporations in
> Spain have  ONLY-PETROL laws
> ( Ley de Hidrocarburos ). For example, to create a
> petrol company to sell
> your gasoline to petrol-stations (yes,
> PETROL-stations ) you need to have
> 150.000 millions ptas ( nearly 1.000  millions 
> euros ).
    Sad if true. Time to get your gov moving. I have
heard of biodiesel plants in Spain so not sure if the
gov stops them.
> Do you think I really can create a petrol company in
> my land. IMPOSSIBLE
    In the US if we don't like what the gov is doing
we go blackmarket.
> A second think. wholesaler petrol companies OWN a
> lot of petrol-stations.
> They indicate them the prices and goods to sell (
> for sure, they cannot sell
> biodiesel ).
> Itīs a big problem. We need a law of
> incompatibility. So, the wholesaler
> For sure, the field to play itīs not clean. I and a
> lot of people cannot
> create biodiesel companies in my land :-(
> All the best.
     Anyone else from Spain want to comment on
Biodiesel industry there.
          Good luck, 
                jerry dycus

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