"Subject: Re: Global warming b.s.

And of course you have reputable references and are willing to
forward them for the benefit of all, yes? References which
support the claim of seasonal pre-existence and no increased in
loss of stratospheric ozone?"

Just to amuse myself, I did a WebFerret search. Most sites have only the
usual orthodoxy, but this one at least mentions error in data reduction
coding, though it mentions only the later satellite observations and
does not give references.


I'll ask my informant next time he calls me from Switzerland. I doubt
that the information will have any impact on this list, but it should
come in handy in a more open forum.

Remember September 11, 2001 but don't forget July 4, 1776

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin

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