>Cover story from The Spectator:
>Prepare for the big chill
>"A new ice age is due now, says Andrew Kenny, but you won't hear it from
>the Greens, who like to play on Western guilt about consumerism to make
>us believe in global warming"
>It seems like too long an article to reasonably request point-by-point
>interaction, but I'd like to hear people's opinions on 1) what are the
>article's weakest points, and 2) if any, what are the article's
>redeeming or strongest points (in other words, do you feel the author
>has any valid points?)
>-- Chris Witmer

Mr Witmer

... "the supreme authority on matters environmental, Time 
magazine"??? Well, that's about what I'd expect from Mr Kenny. He 
likes writing this sort of stuff - Africans were better off under 
colonialism, and so on. And it's easy, much easier than doing a real 
job. He too would benefit from Mark Twain's advice that Ramjee 
quoted, but that's not how he makes his living. Kenny's not a 
scientist, nor even a science writer, just a hack.

Anyway, I don't think we want any further posts from you on this 
subject until you've dealt with the trail of unfinished business 
you've left in your wake. Try some "point-by-point interaction" 
yourself instead of snipping anything that gives you indigestion and 
then returning to it later like this when you think the dust has died 

It has already been pointed out that:

-  The difference between an ice age and global warming might seem 
rather large, but the difference between the two sets of factors 
which might cause them is rather slight.

- By far the major part of the 70s thesis was that climate change 
with human industrial cause promised catastrophe, which is also the 
major claim today.

- That the excerpt you quoted from Newsweek (not Time magazine?) of 
April 28, 1975 stands up well today.

I also said: "I don't think the ice-age scenario has yet been finally 
disproved, it's just become more and more unlikely as the evidence 
has mounted overwhelmingly on the side of warming. The inconsistency 
you keep pointing to just isn't there."

So in fact the substance of the Kenny article has already been 
posted, without the shit-stirring - if you didn't see fit to respond 
to that, then why are you posting this?

Now go back into the archives, like you've just made me do, find the 
full references and respond to them. That or forfeit any claim to 
presenting an honest argument (which is the only kind acceptable 

More questions - why are you now presenting an article that supports 
the Ice Age when previously you sneered at such predictions as well 
as those of global warming - as well as the article linking pollution 
and drought?

Because it doesn't matter to you perhaps? This is what you're on 
about, isn't it? "... the Greens, who like to play on Western guilt 
about consumerism..." You'll commandeer anything that highlights 
that. Well, sorry, but we dealt with that too, right back at the 
beginning, and you didn't respond to that either.

Stop these sneak attacks Mr Witmer. Discuss honestly and openly, or 
not at all. I'll have a point-by-point response from you please, to 
this and the other responses you've ignored, before you post anything 
further on this subject. Include full references for the National 
Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration study and the NASA study 
you cited, as well as a reference for your quote from Alton Chase, 
and his references.

Keith Addison

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